Magicol – The Joy of Posters


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Magicol: The Joy of Posters
Edited by David Ben
Published by Magicana

Because of our contribution to this particular issue, we have received a limited number of the latest Magicol issue, which we have available for sale.

Magicol is the official publication of The Magic Collectors’ Association. This is a very, very special issue: No. 183, The Joy of Posters.

A massive collaborative effort, No. 183 focuses on the bliss of magic poster-collecting, the meaning and significance we place on the posters we posses, and the colorful history that each magic poster emanates. From “The King of Handcuffs” to “The Great Herrmann”, this issue features numerous, graphically astounding posters gallantly provided by collectors. This is a sure treat for all the readers of this magazine.

This issue starts by revisiting Mario Carrandi’s wonderful article introducing readers to the lost art of lithography, originally published in Dr. Albo’s More Classic Magic With Apparatus in 1976. It is the perfect introduction, in fact, to the series posters which follow in, A Magical Oasis.

Then, Charles Greene III and Pietro Micheli enlighten readers with a pair of terrific articles on the essentials for Poster Preservation, Parts I and II. Anyone who has any artwork hanging on their walls will find these articles quite insightful and very helpful!

But how much does one invest in all that paper preservation and restoration? How much is your paper worth – to you? Well, David Ben explores this question by outlining his ‘metrics guide’ of how to determine the value of magic posters. It’s actually an open conversation which solicits your thoughts and comments on how to measure a magic poster’s weight in coin.

Dustin Stinett then provides an overview of our 43rd Magic Collectors Weekend, followed by an appreciation by Tom Ewing of long-time Magicol subscriber, Frank Dailey who sadly passed away earlier this year.

Softbound, 96 pages.

(Note: Due to increased postal rates and the weight books, international shipping and handling will be charged according to US Post Office rates. See: for details on international rates.)