Magic Collectors Expo: Second Day – Friday, August 20, 2021 – Afternoon and Evening Sessions
Continuing my summary of the Magic Collectors Expo – Part 2.
Click here to read about the First Day of the Magic Collectors Expo: Part…
I am back!
I know it’s been some time since I’ve written about all the magical props and projects I’ve been working on. My hands have been a bit full over the past few months and I’d like to share with you now a little of what …
Keeping a strict schedule and routine is what kept me sane while taking care of Norm in the last five years he suffered dementia. My caretaking duties fine tuned my time-management skills. The drawback is that things can get bo…
Norm’s passing during the 2020 pandemic, h…
The last tim…
I have always said, you can tell a lot about a person by the things they hang on their wall.
In our office we have this framed picture of Okito and his tools:
Norm l…
I have a HUGE soft spot for the Society of American Magicians. That was the very first magic organization I joined when I was 14 years old. Several service members from the Panama Canal Zone who were amateur magicians formed a …
Today is Sunday, February 2, 2020, and I guess this is a good date as any to jumpstart my magic blog.
Our webmaster (Lisa Caterbone from is an SEO expert and has been pushing me for quite a while to write a blog…
It is great to have good press.
Nick Lewin has an article about the upcoming Part 2 of the Nielsen Magic Poster Auction, that will be held in Chicago this upcoming February 4, 2017. The auction will be conducted by Potter and …
The rumor is true, on June 25, 2016, the First Part of the Nielsen Magic Poster Collection wil…